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Rules for Formation Skydiving (FS) World Records

The record performance for the Largest Formation is the number of persons in one formation. A written plan describing the formation to be attempted and the persons involved must be submitted in advance to the Judges.

The formation must be completed as described with all named persons in the formation. All persons in the completed formation must be connected by at least one grip either taken by the person or taken on the person. A grip is a handhold on an arm or leg (both as defined in the relevant Competition Rules) of another person.

FS Records Large Formation Sequential and Total Break Large Formation Sequential

The record performance for the (1) Large Formation Sequential Record and (2) Total Break Large Formation Sequential is the number of persons (not less than 10% rounded up of the size of the Largest Formation Sequential Record (World or General or Female, as appropriate) or the existing Total Break Record at the time the new sequential record is performed) to complete a sequence of two or more formations, giving a separate record performance for each number of formations completed.

 A written plan describing the formations and the transitions to be attempted and the persons involved must be submitted in advance to the Judges. The formations and the transitions must be completed as described in the plan. Only a single written plan may be submitted for each attempt. All persons in the completed formations must be connected by at least one grip either taken by the person or taken on the person. A grip is a handhold on an arm or leg (both as defined in the relevant Competition Rules) of another person.

(1) Large Formation Sequential In the transition from one formation to the next, at least 35% of the persons in the first formation must release all of their grips and all grips on them must also be released. None of the released grips included in this 35% may be retaken in the next formation. Simultaneous separation during the transition is not required but total separation must be shown at some point in time during the transition as shown in the written plan

(2) Total Break Large Formation Sequential In the transition from one formation to the next, all persons in the completed formation must release all of their grips. None of the depicted grips from any previous formation may be retaken in any of the subsequent formations in the sequence for up to three formations. After the team has completed three different formations, the team may elect to return to the first formation and continue the sequence (allowing the first set of grips to be retaken).