Simplicity, Inclusivity and Accessibility is our motto, derived from the K.I.S.S. principle… Keep It Simple Skydivers!
A totally online Association, dedicated to the recording and permanent preservation of Skydiving World Records including all Disciplines recognized by World Skydiving organizations.
Photos and video links of skydiving World Records along with Histories of the development of each Discipline will be available.
These Histories can only be provided by those that lived them, so we encourage skydivers/historians to submit articles to the ISA for inclusion.
An example of past Histories can be found in “Night Record Histories”, where an excellent article on Jan Meyer’s site can be viewed.
On this page there is an ad. Other Discipline pages are open for ads as well. Links to websites can also be added.
This is what we envisage for all Disciplines:
For a new World Record to be included, the ISA requires the Organizer or Judge to submit the details including the date, place and Judge’s names, the camera persons name, the photo and links to the video of the Record completion.
The camera person whose photo and video link that the ISA publishes will be compensated. This compensation will be available upon request via email to
Upon request, a Certificate will be available for download by participants via a link that will be provided to the World Record Organizer.
The ISA receives its funding through advertising by gear manufacturers and Drop Zones, thus allowing the Association to offer free services to world-wide skydivers.