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2-WAY Sequential Event
Exit altitude shall be 2450 meters (~8000 ft) AGL with a working time of 60 seconds.

The draw of the sequences: Each round consists of five formations that have been drawn from the dive pool of 12 formations (2 of each). After each sequence is drawn, the five formations shall be returned to the dive pool so that they may be drawn again.

Scoring: Teams will be awarded one point for each correctly completed formation which, apart from the first formation, is preceded by total separation within the working time. Teams will not be awarded points for incorrect formations. There will be no penalty.

Omissions: For each omission of a formation in a round, the team will not score the point for the omitted formation, and an additional two points per omission will be deducted from that round as a penalty. However, the scoring will not be affected if the team goes back to correctly complete the omitted formation within working time. Formations built correctly after the omitted formation will be scored in the normal manner.

Each formation must be performed in accordance with the illustrations in the drawn sequence. Jumper position for each random is set by the draw, i.e. the dark canopy position on the first formation built within a round must remain in the dark canopy position on all subsequent formations of that round. There must be release of all grips between each formation. No mirror formations are allowed. All formations shall be performed as shown in the dive pool, as seen from behind.

4-WAY Sequential Event
Exit altitude shall be 3050 meters (~10,000 ft) AGL with a working time of 120 seconds.

The draw of the sequences: Each block sequence or random from the Dive Pool will be drawn only once for each competition. All rounds shall consist of four or five scoring formations, whichever number is reached first.

Scoring: Teams will be awarded one point for each correctly completed formation which, apart from the first formation, is preceded by an inter correctly completed within the working time. Teams will not be awarded points for incorrect formations. There will be no penalty.

Omissions: For each omission of a formation in a round, the team will not score the point for the omitted formation, and an additional one point will be deducted per omission from that round as a penalty. However, the scoring will not be affected if the team goes back to correctly complete the omitted formation within working time. Formations built correctly after the omitted formation will be scored in the normal manner.

An attempt to complete a formation, although incorrect or incomplete, demonstrated by at least three canopies connected with grips, OR the two 2-way formations in an inter clearly attempting to build the formation required by the drawn sequence, will be judged as an incorrect formation, not as an omission.

Each formation and inter requirement must be performed in accordance with the drawn sequence. Where there is no inter requirement between formations, there must be release of all grips between all canopies at one point in time. Mirror images are acceptable for complete blocks and random formations. Formations need not be symmetrical. At the end of a sequence there must be release of all grips before restarting the sequence as drawn.

4-WAY Rotation Event
Exit altitude shall be 2800 meters (~9000 ft) AGL with a working time of 90 seconds.

SCORING: Teams will be scored from the first formation, whether correct or not. Teams will be awarded one point for the first correctly completed formation and then every correctly completed 4-way plane/stack formation within the working time, according to the performance requirement. Team members rotating from the top of the plane/stack formation before the bottom team member has taken a grip will not receive credit for that formation. The following formation (the rebuild) shall be scored as zero (0) points, except for the formation following the first formation after the start of working time.